Bulgaria air supports the Autism Today Association
In cooperation with the Step for the Invisible Children of Bulgaria Foundation, the Tacitus Society and the Association of Resource Teachers — Bulgaria, united in the Autism Today Association, we organized training for 250 Bulgarian teachers and specialists in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), lecturer Dr. Diane Fraser (Ed. D BSBA – Doctoral). Thus, teachers, resource teachers, psychologists and speech therapists from all 28 regional inspectorates of education in Bulgaria were allowed free access to her lecture. Our partnership with the Autism Today Association also allowed the first introductory training in Sensory Integration for specialists from around the country, held in Tokuda Hospital from 29 November – 1 December, 2013. As a result of this introductory training in Sensory Integration, the first sensory therapists in Bulgaria were trained and certified in a four-month course in Sensory Integration, lecturer Kristiane Kull Sadacharam, who, after refining sensory integration at a Californian clinic, headed the ergotherapy department of Munich Children’s Center. With the support of Bulgaria Air and the Bulgarian Airlines Association, Ms. Sadacharam visited Bulgaria four times from June to September to teach Bulgarian specialists for periods of ten days. Bulgaria Air also secured the presence in Bulgaria of the program manager and trainer Veneta Dimitrova, MA, BCBA – the only Bulgarian who completed ABA Applied Behaviour Analysis and who is a certified teacher.